Workshop Offers Personalized Plan For Success With Detoxification, Disease Prevention, Weight Loss and More
Released on = March 11, 2006, 9:53 am
Press Release Author = Life Enriched
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Wellness club sponsors workshop which offers person-specific plan for disease prevention, weight management, and detoxification. Learn more about what your body needs to be well and stay well for life.
Press Release Body = A special series of drop in style workshops have been announced that will help individuals learn more about how their specific body can stay on the path to lifelong health & wellness. These workshops, sponsored by the wellness and lifestyle club Life Enriched, are completely free of charge and can mean the difference between contracting serious illness or living a long, healthy life, disease free. \"We are combining some very effective techniques and information sources to truly offer wellness enthusiasts a blue print for their health\" states Paula Tellegen, club member and one of the workshops certified specialists. \"Each visitor will be able to choose from the topics of weight loss, toxin awareness, heavy metal detoxification, blood sugar imbalance, supplementation, and more for their personal in-depth analysis of what their body is asking for.\" Tellegen and the other workshop specialists have worked diligently over the past years to bring together information and products that accurately reflect the most current information available regarding disease prevention. These workshops will allow the general public to learn more about what their search has uncovered. \"Disease prevention is entirely possible for the majority of us\" states Tellegen, \"all you really need is access to accurate information and the desire to put it into action in your life. Our goal is to inspire more people to do so, on a simple, step by step basis that is not overwhelming.\" Tellegen also warns that person-specific information is very important. \"So many of us are \"flying blind\" when it comes to figuring out what our bodies really need. Shopping for the right supplementation is a frustrating experience. Everyone is guessing what they should be taking and how much. Our workshops will change all that!\" The key to personalization of a wellness plan lies in bio-feedback. Tellegen and her associates will be providing personal body analysis reports utilizing VivaTouch, a new scientific instrument that uniquely combines years of research, bio-interactive science, quantum physics, and proprietary and patented software to identify person-specific food triggers and nutritional supplement needs. \"This tool is revolutionizing the way people approach weight loss and nutrition, and provides an accurate plan of action for wellness.\" adds Tellegen. \"It\'s time to let the body do the talking!\" For more information on upcoming workshops, locations, or the VivaTouch personal body assessment system, please contact Life Enriched at: 503-290-6849.
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Contact Details = Paula Tellegen
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